Prayer will be valid

16 Feb 2019 Ref-No#: 1401

Assalamualaikum …my question is my namaz is valid or makrooh im reciting in 4fardh,sunnat namaz surah this way 1.surah ash sharh chapter 94
2 surah kauthar
3 surah masad
4 surah ikhlas
And in 2 sunnat namaz
1.surah kauthar
2 surah ikhlas….
Please clarify my doubts if it is makrooh then i want to repent from allah subhanallah taala …if it is makrooh then i will repeat those salah .


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

If you are praying your Isha Fardh behind an Imam, then you not supposed to recite anything.

If you are praying alone, you only supposed to recite a Surah in the first 2 Rakats. You were not supposed to recite anything after Surah Fatiha in the third and forth Rakats. However, if you did recite, your Salah is valid, and you do not have to repeat that Salah.

Your Sunnah Salah is fine.


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