Latest Fatwaas

  • Nocturnal emission impurity can transfer to the hard objects

    06 Apr 2023 Ref-No#: 5385

    Assalamualaikum Sheikh if someone have nightfall/nocturnal emission at night after waking up he touches here & there(mobile,electronics etc) without knowing that he had emission previously, So najasha can impure mobile electronics hard objects etc…? And can Najasha transfer into t...

  • Dream Interpretation

    06 Apr 2023 Ref-No#: 5392

    Assalamualykum, my Christian friend had a dream that her mom took her to an Islamic shop and the ustaz there told her to sit down and open her hands then he put some stuff on her palms and it started burning and when it burnt he told her not to dust it off, she should count the dots on her hand a...

  • Doubts regarding impurity

    06 Apr 2023 Ref-No#: 5389

    I have a problem where i am excited by anything and i emit mani almost instantly, this is very exhausting because i do ghusl 3-4 times a day sometimes, and i am not totally sure if i emited mani or mathi. Most of the time i have a gushing feeling but very little to no liquid comes out, is this co...

  • threw the quran in anger

    01 Apr 2023 Ref-No#: 5388

    i remember about a sin tht i committed in childhood, wen i was around 11 12 years, my quran tutor beat me bec i dint memorise surahs of the quran and due to anger i threw the quran, bec at tht mindset i thought, bec of the quran i got beating so i threw it on the wall, im very much remorseful nd ...

  • Exfoliating the skin

    01 Apr 2023 Ref-No#: 5390

    There is a hadith in bukhari that prohibits filing the teeth as it is changing the creation purely for the sake of beautification. Some scholars apply this to exfoliation and stay that exfoliating is haram. So I wanted to ask if using clay masks and turmeric masks to brighten skin and get rid of ...

  • Explanation of a previous fatwa

    01 Apr 2023 Ref-No#: 5391

    Assalamualaykum. I read that mufti Ismail moods studied under mufti ebrahim desai. So I wanted to ask that on one of his websites mufti ebrahim desai said that women can go to visit their parents once a week and other relatives once a year. Is it permissible for a women to visit her parents more ...

  • Making a video game

    29 Mar 2023 Ref-No#: 5400

    Salam. Is it halal to make a video game? I won’t add any music in it. ...

  • [URGENT] Does one with non Muslim parents who don’t let them fast still have to fast?

    29 Mar 2023 Ref-No#: 5398

    Do people with non Muslim parents who don’t let them fast still have to fast? ...

  • Salat ul Tawbah when Menstruating

    29 Mar 2023 Ref-No#: 5393

    Can I pray salat ul tawbah while menstruating ...

  • Kaffara on Oath

    24 Mar 2023 Ref-No#: 5241

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته I have a few questions on different Kaffara, and I would appreciate if you could answer them: 1) Before, I used to swear by Allah, even when I was lying (sometimes on purpose, and sometimes on accident), but now after I repe...