Latest Fatwaas

  • Am i commited a kufr

    03 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4609

    Es Selamu Alejkum Am i commited a kufr if i said La ilahe IllAllah without IllAllah (Estagfirullah) unintentionally in bathroom and i said La Ilahe IllAllah and i stop before IllAllah because im in bathroom is that kufr,and that same situation happened I said shadada and stop before ...

  • Clarification on #4612

    02 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4645

    السلام عليكم Firsty JazakAllah for your time and response. Regarding my question, ref #4612, I needed clarification on the second option that you gave. You said that I can pre sell on a promise from a buyer and then take goods on credit. The way I understand it is that tha...

  • Non mehram (kaafir)

    02 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4621

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته you will be fine (Alhamdullilah) i have one question, Can a Muslim girl living in Burqa and Hijab joke with a non-Muslim boy live on social media? does islam allow it. Because such Hijabi influencers, Tiktokers,...

  • Beard

    02 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4622

    Salam I am 17 years old and i have grown a beard but it is not presentable and does not look good on my face because it is uneven. So can i cut or trim my beard to make it presentable by levelling it thoroughout my face ...

  • Does having only 1 short Khutbah invalide jumuah?

    02 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4620

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmitallahi wa barakatu. Does having only 1 short Khutbah mean the Jumuah is invalid? I know the prophet (pbuh) would do 2 khutbahs, but I haven’t been able to find whether or not 1 is sufficient. JazakAllah khair. ...

  • Protest against oppressor

    02 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4596

    Assalamualaikum Sheikh If someone insult our religion is it permissible to do protest against them? And What is the rulling regarding this matter and what should we do as an ummah of PROPHET Muhammad (ﷺ) ...

  • Software

    02 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4616

    I am working for software company and now they creating socialmedia analytics and Monitor Social Media software for government as a muslim would I anticipate this project? ...

  • Deceased husband

    02 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4610

    Assalamu alaykum I am a recently widowed woman. I am from the uk, got married 2 years ago in my mother land bangladesh. My husband had the basic understanding of islam but it was mixed with culture. Where he lived islam isn’t taught well or it has not spread that far… Hes always...

  • Divorce

    02 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4597

    Assalamualaikum, a husband and wife had an argument(not a serious one), husband was depressed so wife said why shall i see any of this, so husband said from today there’s no need to see anything , the husband’s intention was clear his intention was there’s no need to entertain his depressio...

  • Looking at ‘awrah of character in a video game

    01 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4319

    Is it permissible to look at the ‘awrah of a character in a video game? The video game characters I’m referring to are characters that looks like cartoon versions of humans, and are not looking like real humans, and are not characters from pornographic video games (animated girls in b...