Latest Fatwaas

  • Can an embryologist treat strings with donors

    13 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4699

    Asalamualaikum I’m a trainee embryologist. In the U.K. donor egg and sperm are very common. I know ivf between unmarried couples and the use of donors to conceive is not allowed. Would I as an embryologist be sinning if I help an unmarried heterosexual or homosexual couple conceive? Or if...

  • Talak

    13 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4698

    I intended to give my wife 1 divorce, for being disruptive. She didn’t know about the divorce, and then when I gave, she said not in front of my child. She then said give me two, in the confusion I gave 4, but only meant to give 1, and had written a letter confirming I’m giving her 1 ...

  • Calculation of Qaza Umri

    13 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4695

    السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ My question is regarding missed prayers and how to perform them. I have missed almost 6 years of prayers due to my negligence, however I would like to repent and perform the missed pr...

  • Madinah University

    13 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4702

    Asalamu alykum, I’m from Scotland and I’m 18. I would like to ask about studying at the Islamic University of Madinah. Its my dream and I would like to go there InshaAllah. Do I need to study anything before going there, if so- please advise what I need to study before going th...

  • Bestality

    06 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4617

    I am studying major sin and I saw a Hadith thah our prophet states whoever has intercourse with an animal kill him and the animal and is this under the condition the person had sex with an animal in public with witnesses? If the person was to hide his sin and repent would the prophet and Allah ac...

  • online income through article writing

    06 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4623

    assalamwaleikum, I have a question regarding online income through article writing and selling them to several websites. So what if instead of writing the article by myself, I use some tools or A.I. to write it for me and then sell it to the websites. Will this type ...

  • Awrah

    06 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4656

    Assalamu alaykum I have a question about the awrah if I watch a video or tv show etc. There is a fully naked man or women but blurred for example a TV show where a man is propped up for surgery where he needs to be naked but his bottom half is blurred is looking at it haram is the TV show haram c...

  • Wilayah in Nikah

    06 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4619

    Asalamualaikum! I am a 25-year-old male and am in a relationship with a woman of the same age. We have been in a long-distance relationship for over 4 years now and have met physically only a few times and travelled together once for about a week. We are moderately practicing Muslims but w...

  • Talqeen

    06 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4674

    Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu Talqeen is the act of encouraging the person who is nearing his death to recite the Kalimah… My question is which Kalimah should those around the Muhtadhar recite? Kalimah Tayyibah or Kalimah Shahadah? I’ve seen both be...

  • A fearful dream after ishtikara prayers

    06 Feb 2023 Ref-No#: 4680

    Asslamualaikum I have praised Allah and prayed ishtikara to find out what to do or a direction but in my dream i saw something fearful and others talking about me behind my back also it felt like i was gonna be taken to a place where i did want to go and then i woke up and i feel generally ...