Category : Worship and Jurisprudence

  • Haj rituals

    02 Jun 2019 Ref-No#: 1850

    Asalaamalaikum My doubt is while doing tawaf e ziayrah and stoning of devil, my mind was full of thoughts regarding to few things. I was reading Qasar and was in doubt if I was correct or not. There were many thoughts going on in my mind at that time. Will it affect Tawaf e ziayrah and ston...

  • Woman discharge cleaning

    02 Jun 2019 Ref-No#: 1862

    Salaam Alaikum. I am a woman that gets discharge a lot and for me to not get it on my underwear I insert my finger to get it out. Not in a sexual way but only so I don’t get my underwear dirty. Is this allowed? I know it will invalidate wudu but am I allowed to do this? JazakAllah...

  • Praying tahajjud as 8 rakah in jamaat during last nights of laylatul qadr

    28 May 2019 Ref-No#: 1812

    During Ramadan,a masjid in my area offer 8 rakah tahajjud in jamaat during the last five nights of laylatul qadr i.e 21st,23rd,25th,27th,29th night after 12 am and they complete one quran within these 5 nights. Is this procedure permissible? ...

  • Discharge breaking wudhu

    28 May 2019 Ref-No#: 1809

    Salam hope you are in the best of healths. I wanted to enquire about discharge breaking wudhu. I wear a pantyliner on a daily basis so that my discharge doesn’t spoil my underwear however was wondering if i needed to change it as and when i see discharge. The problem is i can keep my ...

  • Congregation for women

    28 May 2019 Ref-No#: 1810

    Salaams i was hoping you could help I recently returned from a holiday to turkey. There we visited a masjid on friday. There was a seperate area for women and the women there also prayed in congregation behind the imam. I was abit confused what to do as i normally pray at home and only time...

  • Accidentally drunk water during WUDU

    27 May 2019 Ref-No#: 1814

    Assalamualaikum my dear brothers and sisters, I have been caught cold from yesterday night and still, it is ongoing. I have some ich in my throat. so forcefully i have to pull out some caugh. Now, in the time of Asr, i went to wudu and when i was cleaning my mouth that moment i accidently ...

  • Women Qiraat

    27 May 2019 Ref-No#: 1785

    As salamu alaykum please forgive my ignorance, Is it permissible for a female to recite qiraat loud in the salah in the audible salah when she is alone/or female group prayer like “imam”, can she recite aloud outside from salah from the Qur’an to learn for herself/ or to learn f...

  • ejaculation happen during ramadan.

    26 May 2019 Ref-No#: 1817

    Assalamualikum brothers and sisters, Hope you well. Actually today 26th May, i had an ejaculation in a dream before Fazr time. Now, what happened, i woke up at 3:15 am then i did Wudhu and than drunk water from fasting. So, I have a work start from 5 am but because of Fazr Jamaat starting from 5:...

  • listening to 4-5 azan at the same time

    24 May 2019 Ref-No#: 1762

    Assalam walaikum, Alhamdulillah the place where we live we can hear like 3 muadhin give Azan while at the same time my mother puts Azan on tv as well,as soo as it ends on one channel she outs it on another one..hence when we at home are listening to Azan we here like 4Azan at the same time but it...

  • Was my fast broken?

    23 May 2019 Ref-No#: 1784

    Assalamu alaykum I put Vaseline at night thinking it wouldn’t last when I wake up. I then woke up, (was still foggy minded) felt my throat dry and swallowed my saliva. Later, when I am more clear in thinking I notice my mouth still had Vaseline on it. A bit later, I could taste slight Vasel...