Category : Monetary Affairs

  • debt/loan

    06 Dec 2021 Ref-No#: 4094

    As salamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh A few years ago I went uni and took to go university I had to take a interest based loan, I was not practising then, but I had intentions of paying it back when I had a job etc, I now regret taking it and have repented and will never take a inte...

  • Paying the bank for storing money

    24 Nov 2021 Ref-No#: 3317

    Is it permissible to pay the bank a small amount of money because they are storing money for someone? For example if a bank sometimes takes a small amount of money from the money that someone has stored in the bank, is it then riba? ...

  • Inheritance

    21 Nov 2021 Ref-No#: 4025

    Assalaamu alaikum Mufti, my father had an empty property of land, that my brother claims is his, because my father gave it to him in the presence of my mother. Unfortunately, my father did not have a will, we are three sisters and a brother. Since there was no will, Islamically does the property ...

  • Please suggest another ifta department

    11 Nov 2021 Ref-No#: 4019

    Assalamu Alaikum can you suggest any reliable ifta department website you trust for asking Islamic finance related questions. since you are busy Due to the number of queries that you have receive and time constraints as well, Jazak Allah Khair ...

  • Permissibility of Funds

    07 Nov 2021 Ref-No#: 3893

    Assalam-u-alaykum Please can mufti-saheb assist with the following scenario. Person A (willingly) borrows Person B a bank card to sign up and pay for a subscription to an online movies and series streaming service. The agreement between Person A and Person B, is that Person B ...

  • investment

    06 Nov 2021 Ref-No#: 3873

    assalam. respected mufti, 1. please inform me if the website WAHED is permissible to use. 1.2. if so, what features of the website is ok. 2. currently, which online financial websites or platforms are permissible to use? 3. what are the permissible ways/manners to ...

  • Us the house rightfully mine or not?

    04 Nov 2021 Ref-No#: 3926

    My mother gave me her house and it’s contents while she was still staying in the house. I was also staying in the house at that time. She then made a condition that we keep a part of the house for her if she were to come back. She said she was going to give me full control when she leaves. ...

  • Old Mutual superfund

    03 Nov 2021 Ref-No#: 3929

    I hope and pray that when you receive this communique, that you are enjoying the best if health and spiritual well-being, إن شاء الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰ. We’ve recently been requested by our company to complete beneficiary forms for a group cover that the company has taken on...

  • Selling Electronic Video Games

    27 Oct 2021 Ref-No#: 3210

    Some video game companies sell their games for free for a short period of time (couple of days) then they sell them for their full price again (they do this so more people play the game and recommend it to others so they can sell more of it without losing much as the game is free for a short time...

  • Gifts of Money and Charity

    27 Oct 2021 Ref-No#: 3886

    As salaamu alaikum. I hope this message finds you well. I have recieved a gift of money from someone and they requested that I give it to the charity of my choice. Would it be halaal to keep any portion of it for myself? Would it be halaal for me to instead of giving it to...