Monthly Archives: November 2018

Ref-No#: 1207

Ref-No#: 1207

30 Nov 2018 Ref-No#: 1215

Since it won’t break my fast does this mean it won’t break my salah either?

Also, due to the weather, I sneeze a lot and the residue of the sneeze goes on my lips. This happens to me frequently during salah. Since this is also unintentional, can I also lick my lips?


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Yes, the same ruling will apply.



30 Nov 2018 Ref-No#: 1205

I was married in and husband relation were not good from starting we were only 1 month in relation!after 6 moths my husbnd said i am free he dont accept me as a wife and he is mently prepare that he divorced me!he call my parents he told my parents i am done with her she is no more wife she is free from my side!my husbnad want to say that sentence talaq talaq but my parents says please dnt we took her our house no worry!after 3 months i was another city with my mother in law and my husbnd was in my parents house he told my parents that now he divorced me my parents were sitting there with him my husbnd call on his mother phone my husbnd said me you are divoreced 1 time you are divorced two time now leave my house get out your father mother also listning !now i give you two time divorced understood.
i came to my parents house he dnt contact me in my iddah period after my iddah period he text me that your 1 divorce is remaing so talaq talaq talaq now i give u 3 talaq now marry another person you are not my wife.
my question is that is this last text massage talaq consider third talaq or not?


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

If you husband had the intention of divorce when he said that you are free and he does not accept you as his wife, then one Talaaq Bain has taken place.

After the three months, if you were still in your ‘Iddah, the divorces which he informed your parents and told you will all be valid. Thus, the three divorces took place then.

However, if your ‘Iddah expired whe he mentioned those statements, then only the first divorce is valid, and all divorces thereafter do not count. However, since the first divorce was Baain, he cannot get back to you unless a new Nikah is made.


فإن فرق الطلاق بانت بالأولى ولم تقع الثانية والثالثة ” وذلك مثل أن يقول أنت طالق طالق طالق لأن كل واحدة إيقاع على حدة إذا لم يذكر في آخر كلامه ما يغير صدره حتى يتوقف عليه فتقع الأولى في الحال فتصادفها الثانية وهي مبانة ” (الهداية – 1/ 233)

Authenticity of Ruqyah performer and peaceful home

Authenticity of Ruqyah performer and peaceful home

30 Nov 2018 Ref-No#: 1208

Assalamu alaikum
I have not been getting any marriage proposals despite reaching suitable age for marriage. My mother saying it is because of hasd, evil eye and black magic. She took me to a religious woman who does ruqya. I have questions regarding her authenticity. For instance, she says she saw Allah and described His look. Petitioners go to her and she asks them to keep choices in their mind. She claims that she sees light coming from the best choice and guides them accordingly. Mostly her guidance in matters is extremely fruitful. She arranges religious gatherings, asks women to light candles and claims that at the end of the night, she can see whose dua is accepted. In short, she does numerous such activities that don’t have any backing in Quran and sunnah but these activities are of religious nature. My question is, (a) can someone have knowledge from the unseen based on her rigirous readings of the quran? Based on Islamic knowledge that you have, please guide me if I should go to her. Both of my parents have been extremely harsh and disappointed in me for not believing in her. (b) Can I still go to the religious woman even if I don’t believe her to soothe my parents raging concerns? My father doesn’t talk to me anymore and my mother cries all the time.


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

The first thing to bear in mind is that not all bad things can be attributed to Hasad, evil eye and black magic. Sometimes Allah intends to test a person. For example, a person might not find a suitable partner at the perfect age of marriage so that Allah can see whether they will remain chaste or not.  Or, there are many other reason why Allah will bring a condition upon a person, based on His infinite knowledge and wisdom. Thus, the first step is to make Dua to Allah and beg Him to arrange foe you a suitable partner.

If you really feel that the delay in your marriage could be due to the reasons cited above, then you should go to such a Raaqi (practisioner) who is steadfast on Shariah themselves, and do not do anything that contradicts Quran or Hadith.

If the lady in question really said that she saw Allah and described His looks, then that is Kufr. Allah says in the Quran:

لَا تُدْرِكُهُ الْأَبْصَارُ وَهُوَ يُدْرِكُ الْأَبْصَارَ ۖ وَهُوَ اللَّطِيفُ الْخَبِيرُ

“No vision can grasp Him, but His Grasp is over all vision. He is the Most Subtle and Courteous, Well-Acquainted with all things.” (6:103)

Sometimes the devils assist those practitioners who are wrong, and it appears as if people are getting positive results. This again is a test from Allah.

We suggest that you ask the local learned and pious scholars about this woman and the things that she does. If there are no learned scholars, then, based on what you wrote, the best is to stay away from her, even if your parents get annoyed.

Ref-No#: 1161

Ref-No#: 1161

28 Nov 2018 Ref-No#: 1200


I tried to figure out if the alcohol was derived from dates or grapes or not and was not really given a straightforward answer: “There are currently no products on our menu that contain alcohol as an ingredient. However, some items contain ingredients that have either been derived from alcohol or extracted using alcohol.
The level of alcohol present in the food is very low and in most cases all the alcohol evaporates during the production process.“

I’m assuming it would be pretty difficulty to figure out what the alcohol was derived from.

However, I’m more inclined to believe that the alcohol isn’t date or grape derived.

I read this fatwa: “Generally speaking the alcohol which is found in soft drinks is chemically made and not extracted from grapes or dates, thus it will be permissible to consume the soft drink. (Ahsanul Fatawa p.488 v.8)”

Also – by default, a food or drink product is halal, until proven otherwise.

Is this enough to enable permissibility of consumption?


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

If you are sure that the alcohol is not made from dates or grapes, or it is chemically made, then it will be permissible to consume.

Once there is reason for you to believe that something could be Haraam, you cannot apply the principle that ‘everything  is Halal unless proven otherwise.’ Rather, you will have to make adequte research to ensure that you are filling your belly with only what it Halal and pure.

Our advise is to rather maintain caution in this regard, until you have absolute clarity. Keep in mind the following narration:

وعن النعمان بن بشير رضي الله عنهما قال‏:‏ سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول‏:‏ “إن الحلال بين، وإن الحرام بين، وبينهما مشتبهات لا يعلمهن كثير من الناس، فمن اتقى الشبهات، استبرأ لدينه وعرضه، ومن وقع فى الشبهات، وقع فى الحرام، كالراعى يرعى حول الحمى يوشك أن يرتع فيه ألا وإن لكل ملك حمى، ألا وإن حمى الله محارمه، ألا وإن فى الجسد مضغة إذا صلحت صلح الجسد كله، وإذا فسدت فسد الجسد كله‏:‏ ألا وهى القلب” ‏(‏‏(‏متفق عليه‏.‏ وروياه من طرق بألفاظ متقاربة‏)‏‏)
An-Nu’man bin Bashir (May Allah be pleased with them) reported that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said, “What is lawful is clear and what is unlawful is clear, but between them are certain doubtful things which many people do not know. So he who guards against doubtful things keeps his religion and his honour blameless. But he who falls into doubtful things falls into that which is unlawful, just as a shepherd who grazes his cattle in the vicinity of a pasture declared prohibited (by the king); he is likely to stray into the pasture. Mind you, every king has a protected pasture and Allah’s involved limits is that which He has declared unlawful. Verily, there is a piece of flesh in the body, if it is healthy, the whole body is healthy, and if it is corrupt, the whole body is corrupt. Verily, it is the heart.” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].


 لانّ الاشربة المتخذة من غير العنب ونبيذ التمر والزبيب فهو حلال شربه ما دون السكر لاستمراء الطعام والتداوي واللتقوي على طاعة الله تعالى لا للتلهي، والمسكر منه حرام وهو القدر الذي يسكر، وهو قول العامة، وإذا سكر يجب الحد عليه، ويجوز بيعه ويضمن متلفه عند أبي حنيفة وأبي يوسف رحمهما الله تعالى وأصح الروايتين عن محمد رحمه الله تعالى، وفي رواية عنه أن قليله وكثيره حرام ولكن لا يجب الحد لم يسكر كذا في محيط السرخسي (الفتاوى الهندية، دار الكتب العلمية، ج ٥ / ص٤٩٧)

 محمد قال: أخبرنا أبو حنيفة عن سليمان الشيباني عن ابن زياد أنه أفطر عند عبد الله رضي الله عنهما فسقاه شرابا له، فكأنه أخذ فيه فلما أصبح قال: ما هذا الشراب؟ ما كدت أهتدي إلى منزلي؟ فقال عبد الله: ما زدناك على عجوة وزبيب. قال محمد: وبه نأخذ، وهو قول أبي حنيفة رحمه الله تعالى (كتاب الآثار / ص٧٠٠)

وفى المبسوط بعد ذكر هذه الرواية من الآثار: وابن عمر – رضي الله عنه – كان معروفا بالزهد، والفقه بين الصحابة – رضي الله عنهم -، فلا يظن به أنه كان يسقي غيره ما لا يشربه، ولا أنه كان يشرب ما يتناوله نص التحريم، وقد ذكرنا أن ما سقاه كان مشتدا حتى أثر فيه على وجه ما كان يهتدي إلى أهله، وإنما قال هذا على طريق المبالغة في بيان التأثير فيه لا حقيقة السكر، فإن ذلك لا يحل، وفي قوله ما زدناك على عجوة وزبيب دليل على أنه لا بأس بشرب القليل من المطبوخ من ماء الزبيب، والتمر، وإن كان مشتدا (المبسوط – ج٢٤ / ص٥)



27 Nov 2018 Ref-No#: 1199

Asalaamu Alaikum,

I would like clarification on this matter. I am currently in the stage of speaking to a potential for marraige purposes only. This potentials circumstances to many women may not be seen as ‘ideal’. However if i am able to get clarification then i am also able to come to a decision.

His mother has passed away and living wise it is him, his father and disabled brother. And he also has a son from a previous marraige who comes to stay on weekends.

Now the disabled brother is not able to take care of himself at all, and he does need care all day and someone will need to be there with him all day. Also as far as im aware i will not need to cover infront of him as he has no desire for lust? Is this correct?

This potential has asked if i would be willing to look after his brother, by look after he means if he is out at work..  i will be at home to care of him, change him etc

I am almost 33 and i have considered this potential however can you please tell me the ruling on caring for one who has disability? Is it permissable for me? Is it permissable for me to change/clean him as he has no control over himself and needs cleaning and changing?  Would i be allowed to change him? Please can you advise urgently as it will help me in making my decision. And i have said to the potential i need time as i am unsure of ruling and want to get clarification for myself.

Please help and advise.

Your sister in Islam.


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

You have not explained the disability of your prospective brother in law. However, if there is any possibility of him having sexual feelings, desires, fantasies or thoughts, then you will have to veil yourself fully from him. Generally, even if his disability is mental, mentally handicapped people do feel attraction to the opposite sex. Thus, you will need confirmation on this, and cannot just assume that he has no lust or desire.

If you are sure that he has absolutely no sexual feelings and desires, then it will be permissible to unveil your face, hands and feet infront of your brother in law, as mentioned in verse 31 of Surah an-Nur.

As for you assisting with your brother in law, then it is possible that you can get aroused. Hence, if his limbs are normal, then it will not be permissible for you to change him. The laws of Hurmah Musaaharah are strict, and if any unintentional desire comes about, it will break your Nikah with your husband and you will not be able to get back to him. Thus, it is best to maintain utmost caution in that regard.

Salary of an Accountant who is working in Pay and Use Toilet company.

Salary of an Accountant who is working in Pay and Use Toilet company.

26 Nov 2018 Ref-No#: 1209

Assalamualaikum Sir,

Actually my sister is working as an Accountant in Pay and Use toilet company. But her work place is another place. Many times my sister is worried thinking that her income is not halal. I want to know whether my sister’s Income is Halal?

Please reply at the earliest.



Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

The income of your sister workimg as an accountact for a toilet company is Halal. There is no reason at all to think that her income might be Haraam. If she is fulfilling the laws of Hijaab, not intermingling unnecessarily with males etc, no breaking other laws of Shariah etc, then she should not have any doubts.

Conflicting core fundamental views between husband and wife affecting the marriage

Conflicting core fundamental views between husband and wife affecting the marriage

26 Nov 2018 Ref-No#: 1195

Assalamu alaykum wrb
I know it’s not permissible to eat meat that is not halal even if living in the west with understanding Quran 5:4 in light of Quran 6:121…problem is my Husband continues to buy the nonhalal meat from the supermarkets because he believes it’s permissible to eat it since USA is considered a Christian country and doesn’t want to pay extra for the halal nor does he want to be bothered going to a halal butcher as the grocery stores don’t typically carry halal. So he calls me extreme. I am breastfeeding a toddler and infant. Should I refuse to eat the nonhalal meat he buys And just become a vegetarian? And would it also be haram for me to cook this meat for him? do I have right to refuse?
In another matter he accuses me of being “extreme” is I believe that corporeal images are not permissible based on the authentic Hadiths. So I rid of anything that has corporeal images nor do I buy food or clothing brands that contain such images and I go out of my way to ensure my young children only have noncorporeal toys/clothing and if someone gifts them such toys I return them to the store if possible or throw them away. and he is calling me extreme in this too. He thinks the prohibition of images only applies to worshipping it. He even watches tv/movies. I try to advise against this but he is not receptive. It pains me that his thinking is so misguided. I don’t want the angels of mercy to ever be repelled from entering my home based on my husbands misguidance that I can’t control nor do I want my children to be affected by his ways he sometimes even tries to play movies in front of my children in which cases Im forced to intervene and plead with him not to watch this stuff with the children around. If it was up to me I’d completely rid of the television bc the harm in it far outweighs any good but he won’t allow it.These are 2 very core fundamental differences we have and it affects our marriage. Please advise. Jazak Allahu Khairan


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

We can imagine the difficulty you are going through, and salute you for your values. There is no obediance for any creation if it is at the expense of disobeying Allah.

There are three issues which you husband needs to look into before actually justifying his eating of meat using those 2 verses:

1) Do the Christians actually slaughter the animals? And even if they do slaughter, do they ensure that 3 of the 4 veins are really severed?

2) What proof does he have that those who are slaughtering are actually Christains?

3) If they are Christains and they are slaughtering correctly, do they take the name of Allah when cutting?

Allah Ta’ala has emphatically commanded in the Quran: 

 وَلَا تَأْكُلُوا مِمَّا لَمْ يُذْكَرِ اسْمُ اللَّهِ عَلَيْهِ وَإِنَّهُ لَفِسْقٌ ۗ وَإِنَّ الشَّيَاطِينَ لَيُوحُونَ إِلَىٰ أَوْلِيَائِهِمْ لِيُجَادِلُوكُمْ ۖ وَإِنْ أَطَعْتُمُوهُمْ إِنَّكُمْ لَمُشْرِكُونَ (121)

“And do not eat of that upon which the name of Allah has not been mentioned, for indeed, it is grave disobedience. And indeed do the devils inspire their allies [among men] to dispute with you. And if you were to obey them, indeed, you would be associators [of others with Him].” (Verse 121 of Surah al-Anaam)

This verse qualifies the 2 verses alluded to in your question. Even Christains need to take the name of Allah at the time of slaughtering. There is no difference whether the slaughter is done in a Muslim country or in a Christian country. 

As long as the above three questions are not answered, the meat which your husband is buying will be considered Haraam. As such, it will not be permissible for you to cook or eat the meat that he buys. You also need to be careful about contamination.

You have the full right of refusing to eat and preventing your children too from consuming the Haram which he brings home. Perhaps once he sees that his family is being deprived of meat because of his desire to save a little, he might begin to buy Halal.

Try your best to explain to him the importance of Halal and to convince him to take this issue seriously.  Suggest to him that as a start, he may spend the exact same amount of money for meat, and even though he will get less Halal meat, atleast you and the kids can also partake of the food. If he fears Allah, Allah will provide for him.

If all fails, ask him to atleast compromise; where he buys Halal for one week, so that you and the kids too may eat meat. 

Continue making Dua for him, and try to start Taleem in the house. This will bring Nur (light), and it might make him change his mind.

Do not bother about him accusing you of being extreme. The Quran is replete with verses which show how the Prophets were mocked at and called even worst names.

For now, continue getting rid of any images, so that the angels can come to your house. But only discuss the issue of meat with him. Maybe bring up the issue of the pictures only after a month or two.




 وإن ترك الذابح التسمية عمدا،فالذبيحة ميتة،لاتوكل وإن تركها ناسيا أكل (الهداية – ج 4 / ص)

وَإِن ترك الذَّابِح التَّسْمِيَة عمدا فالذبيحة ميتَة لَا تُؤْكَل وَإِن تَركهَا نَاسِيا أكل وَالْمُسلم والكتابي فِي ترك التَّسْمِيَة سَوَاء (بداية المبتدي – ج 1 / ص 218)

والعروق التي تقطع في الذكاة أربعة الحلقوم وهو مجرى النفس والمريء وهو مجرى الطعام والودجان وهما عرقان في جانبي الرقبة يجري فيها الدم فإنقطع كل الأربعة حلت الذبيحة وإن قطع أكثرها فكذلك عند أبي حنيفة رحمه الله تعالى وقالا لا بد من قطع الحلقوم والمريء وأحد الودجين والصحيح قول أبي حنيفة رحمه الله تعالى لما أن للأكثر حكم الكل كذا في المضمرات (الهندية – ج 5 / ص 287)

قلت: والصحيح المختار عندنا هو القول يعني ذبائح الكتابي تاركا للتسمية عامدا أو علي غير اسم الله تعالى لايأكل إن علم ذالك يقينا أو كان غالب حالهم ذاك وهو محمل النهي عن أكل ذبائح نصارى العرب ومحمل قول عليؓ:لاتأكلوا من ذبائح نصارى بني تغلب فإنهم لم يتمسكوا من النصرانية بشيئ إلا بشربهم الخمر فلعل عليا علم من حالهم أنهم لايسمون الله عند الذبح أو يذبحون على غير اسم الله تعالى. فكذا حكم نصارى العجم إن كان عادتهم الذبح على غير اسم الله تعالى غالبا لا يوكل ذبيحتهم ولاشك أن   النصارى فى هذا الزمان لايذبحون بل يقتلون بلوقذ غالبا فلايحل طعامهم(تفسير مظهري – ج 3 /  ص 39)

أماّ في هذه الأزمنة فلم يعودوا يعملون بما في كتبهم فأصبحوا كالمرتدين،فنرى ألاّ توكل ذبائحهم إلاّ إذا تحقق أنهم يذبحونها ذبحا شرعيا الخ  (فتاوى علماء البلد الحرام، ص 1017 (أخد من فتاوى دار العلوم زكريا – ج 6 / ص 127)

Licking spittle on lips during fasting

Licking spittle on lips during fasting

26 Nov 2018 Ref-No#: 1207


Sometimes when I talk the spittle from talking lands on my lips. Is this permissible to lick and swallow?

I have more worries that I haven’t mentioned. Such thoughts really make my fast harder and make me actually afraid to fast so I keep avoiding to make up the ones I missed in Ramadan.

Please help. JazakAllah Khairan


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Since the saliva comes onto your lips unintentionally, your fast will not break if you lick your lips and swallow the saliva.



وقال أبو جعفر إذا خرج البزاق على شفتيه ثم ابتلعه فسد صومه وفي الخانية ترطب شفتاه ببزاقه عند الكلام ونحوه فابتلعه لا يفسد صومه  (مراقي الفلاح – ص 244)

I need clarification

I need clarification

21 Nov 2018 Ref-No#: 1198

I need clarification about hadeeth

Al-Bukhaari (520) narrated that Buraydah said:
The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever does not pray ‘Asr, his good deeds will be annulled”

Narrated from Ibn-i Burayda:

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) stated that:

“Whoever does not pray the asr prayer until the sunset and abandons it, his deeds of worship become void.”

If I miss Asr prayers, does it imply all my good deeds are cancelled?
Does it mean, reward of not praying Asr is annulled?
Are all my deeds of worship cancelled?


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Although every prayer is important, Allah Ta’ala has given additional importance to the ‘Asr prayer. The reason for this is that generally at the time of ‘Asr, people are busy and unmindful of Allah. There are many narrations which exclusively mentions the rewards of praying ‘Asr, and the severe punishment for missing the ‘Asr prayer.

Although the Hambalies have taken this narration on its apparent meaning, the vast majority of scholars have given the following interpretations and explanations:

1) This narration refers to a person who does not regard Asr as compulsory, and looks down upon it,

2) The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) is merely giving a severe warning, and the apparent meaning is not intended,

3) The objective is to give a similitude. That means that a person who misses his ‘Asr prayer is like the one whose actions are nullified,

4) The meaning is that it is ALMOST as of his actions are rendered void.

5) This refers to that particular ‘Asr Salah itself. So it means that a person will not get the reward of the ‘Asr prayer of that day, when all his actions are being presented to Allah.

In short, whilst it is absolutely necessary to ensure that one performs his ‘Asr prayer, commentators of Hadith mention that this narration is not on its apparent meaning.


وتمسك بظاهر الحديث أيضا الحنابلة ومن قال بقولهم من أن تارك الصلاة يكفر ، وجوابهم ما تقدم . وأيضا فلو كان على ما ذهبوا إليه لما اختصت العصر بذلك .

وأما الجمهور فتأولوا الحديث ، فافترقوا في تأويله فرقا . فمنهم من أول سبب الترك ، ومنهم من أول الحبط ، ومنهم من أول العمل فقيل : المراد من تركها جاحدا لوجوبها ، أو معترفا لكن مستخفا مستهزئا بمن أقامها . وتعقب بأن الذي فهمه الصحابي إنما هو التفريط ، ولهذا أمر بالمبادرة إليها ، وفهمه أولى من فهم غيره كما تقدم . وقيل المراد من تركها متكاسلا لكن خرج الوعيد مخرج الزجر الشديد وظاهره غير مراد كقوله لا يزني الزاني وهو مؤمن وقيل هو من مجاز التشبيه كأن المعنى : فقد أشبه من حبط عمله ، وقيل معناه كاد أن يحبط ، وقيل المراد بالحبط نقصان العمل في ذلك الوقت الذي ترفع فيه الأعمال إلى الله ، فكأن المراد بالعمل الصلاة خاصة ، أي لا يحصل على أجر من صلى العصر ولا يرتفع له عملها حينئذ (فتح الباري – 2 / 33)

قال ابن بطال رحمه الله : ” باب من ترك العصر ، وفيه : بُرَيْدَةَ : أنه قَالَ فِي يَوْمٍ ذِي غَيْمٍ : ( بَكِّرُوا بِصَلاةِ الْعَصْرِ ، فَإِنَّ نَّبِيَّ الله قَالَ : مَنْ تَرَكَ صَلاةَ الْعَصْرِ ، فَقَدْ حَبِطَ عَمَلُهُ ) . قال المهلب : معناه من تركها مضيعًا لها ، متهاونًا بفضل وقتها مع قدرته على أدائها ، فحبط عمله فى الصلاة خاصة ، أى لا يحصل على أجر المصلى فى وقتها ، ولا يكون له عمل ترفعه الملائكة ” انتهى من (شرح صحيح البخاري لابن بطال – 2 / 176)

Making up missed obligatory fasts for my deceased father

Making up missed obligatory fasts for my deceased father

15 Nov 2018 Ref-No#: 1194


My father was a bit careless during his early years and missed a few obligatory fasts. Given the hadith in Bukhari (link below), should i make up these fasts on his behalf?

JazakAllah khair.


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa batakatuhu,

According to Hanafies, Malikies, Shafies and the vast majority of scholars, the narration which you quoted is Mansukh (abrogated). Amongst other reasons, the narrator of the Hadith, Aaisha (may Allah be pleased with her) herself gave Fatwaa (verdict) that no one is allowed to keep fast on behalf of a deceased. That proves that she must have heard another statement from the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) which cancels the ruling in the narration which you quoted. Likewise, other Sahaba too issued similar verdicts; that it is not permissible to fast on behalf of one who passed away.

The method of making up for the fasts on behalf of your dad is as follows:

If he bequeathed that the Fidya (penalty) for the missed fasts be given from his estate, then the heirs are obligated to discharge the Fidya on his behalf from one third of what remains after burial expenses and paying off debts.

However, if your father did not make such a bequest, then the heirs are not obligated to give any amount of money as Fidya on his behalf.

Nevertheless, in such a case it will be a noble action on your path to discharge the Fidya on his behalf from your own wealth.

The Fidya for each fast which he missed is the same as Sadaqah al-Fitr – half a Saa’ (2.32 kg) of wheat (or its monetary equivalent in your country).


قال النسائي أنبأ محمد بن عبد الأعلى ثنا يزيد بن زريع ثناحجاج الأحول ثنا أيوب بن موسى عن عطاء بن أبي رباح عن ابن عباس ، قال : لا يصلي أحد عن أحد ، ولا يصوم أحد عن أحد ، ولكن يطعم عنه مكان كل يوم مدا من حنطة” (رواه النسائي في ” سننه الكبرى – 175 / 2)

 حدث عبد اارزاق عن عبد الله بن عمر عن نافع عن ابن عمر ، أنه قال : “لا يصلين أحد عن أحد ولا يصومن أحد عن أحد” (أخرجه عبد الرزاق في مصنفه – 61 / 9)

  فيخرج عنه وليه من ثلث ما ترك لصوم كل يوم و لصلوة كل وقت، حتي الوتر (نور الايضاح، ص 132)

يعطي لكل صلوة نصف صاع من بر كالفطرة ز كذا حكم الوتر و الصوم ( الدر المختار –  101 / 1)