Monthly Archives: September 2018

Follow up on Ref#1022

Follow up on Ref#1022

21 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1032

Ref#1022 yes they have spent time together in solitude. And spent 10 years of married life. Also have children


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

In that case, all three divorces will be valid and binding.

The Iddah commenced once the words were uttered.

The fact that the wife was away from her husband for so long does not impact or alter this ruling.

The wife can only return back to the husband after she completes her Iddah, marries again, comes out of that marriage, and complete the Iddah.


الطَّلَاقُ مَرَّتَانِ ۖ فَإِمْسَاكٌ بِمَعْرُوفٍ أَوْ تَسْرِيحٌ بِإِحْسَانٍ ۗ وَلَا يَحِلُّ لَكُمْ أَنْ تَأْخُذُوا مِمَّا آتَيْتُمُوهُنَّ شَيْئًا إِلَّا أَنْ يَخَافَا أَلَّا يُقِيمَا حُدُودَ اللَّهِ ۖ فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا يُقِيمَا حُدُودَ اللَّهِ فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِمَا فِيمَا افْتَدَتْ بِهِ ۗ تِلْكَ حُدُودُ اللَّهِ فَلَا تَعْتَدُوهَا ۚ وَمَنْ يَتَعَدَّ حُدُودَ اللَّهِ فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ {229} فَإِنْ طَلَّقَهَا فَلَا تَحِلُّ لَهُ مِنْ بَعْدُ حَتَّىٰ تَنْكِحَ زَوْجًا غَيْرَهُ ۗ فَإِنْ طَلَّقَهَا فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِمَا أَنْ يَتَرَاجَعَا إِنْ ظَنَّا أَنْ يُقِيمَا حُدُودَ اللَّهِ ۗ وَتِلْكَ حُدُودُ اللَّهِ يُبَيِّنُهَا لِقَوْمٍ يَعْلَمُونَ {230} (القران – 2:229-230)

قلنا: الطلاق متى قرن بالعدد كان الوقوع بالعدد وإلا لم يقع الثلاث على غير الموطوءة بقوله أنت طالق ثلاثاً، والحال أنه يقع ثلاثاً بالإجماع،

البناية شرح الهداية (5/ 396)



21 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1017

Assalamu alaykum

I would like to know if working as an Information Management for a government department that deals with foreign affairs, international trade, humanitarian aid, nuclear proliferation, emergency operations, global issue and development.

My tasks consist of educating clients about information management, participating in information management meeting, developing/reviewing information management communication products to clients.

Thank you,


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Yes, there is no problem with such a job. It will be permissible.

Arrival after performing hajj and talaq

Arrival after performing hajj and talaq

21 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1022

A female arrives at home country airport after performing haj. Husband brought her home from airport. She sat there with husband for 2 hrs. But there was no sexual intercourse. And she was with was her 2nd hyad after leaving her husband for forty days. Husband gave 3 the husband says there is no question is whether talaq accured or not. If it did accur what will be iddah duration. Will to two mesturation periods be counted. Whats the solution if want to remain together


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

In order to respond to this, we need to know the following:

1) When exactly was the Nikah of the couple? You mention that this was the second Haidh after being away from the husband for 40 days. But before that 40 days, did you spend time together?

2) After their Nikah, did they ever spend time in solitude?

Insha Allah, once we get thise responses, we will be able to answer.



Rights of others.

Rights of others.

21 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1013


I began a home education course last year around April when I was 17. In turn the government paid us benefits.

However I slacked from April last year and only began taking the course seriously this year in early Jan.

I had already made the intention to save up money to pay back the amount I unlawfully received from last year April to this year Jan.

The problem is, recently we received information that we shouldn’t have been receiving the money at all because the course wasn’t qualified. However we were told we didn’t have to pay back the amount they gave us due to bad inquiry on their side.

They don’t know that I wasn’t doing the course last year though, even though they were giving us money for it.

Now that I know that the money they gave us for that course shouldn’t have been given to us anyway, but they don’t expect us to pay it back, should I forget collecting and paying back the money I unlawfully received last yr?

Also –

I get a lot of waswasa and now the thought came to me of the possibility of me lying when telling them the details of the course initially. I’d like to think I didn’t but I have doubts. want to not think of this thought anymore and consider it just Shaytan. Can I leave this thought just as that?


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

The safest thing to do in such a situation is to write to the management (or appropriate department) and inform them that you got the funds but did not utilise it for studying, so you would like to pay back. If they reply, you can follow what they suggest in their reply. If they did not reply, then you can accept what they said about it being a bad inquiry on their path.

Do not worry of the Waswasah, and by writting the above, you do not have to have to disclose anything further.

Free application and advertisement

Free application and advertisement

19 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1005

Assalamu alaikum,
A lot of free apps are available on play store. Some of these apps earn money through advertisements which may contain images of female not fully covered or like so which sharia consider inappropriate. So can i use these apps with the intention of only getting its benefits ( like news apps).


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

If the pictures are not displayed constantly whilst using the app, then it will be permissible to use the app. For example, if the picture only comes in the beginning,  then you can simply not look at the screen at that time.

However, if it is not possible to use the app except with looking at the pictures of females, then it will not be permissible to use such an app.

Cleaning stool.

Cleaning stool.

18 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1010


I have a problem when cleaning stool.

Often times when I clean, due to the friction of wiping, I can get spots of blood.

I try to clean it as best as I can. Using water, putting water on tissue and wiping, patting with tissue.

The problem is, the way to figure out if the blood has stopped is by patting it to see if any blood shows. If there is no trace on the tissue, by this logic I believe there is likely dry blood left on my anus so I use water to get rid of it, thus again leading me to wiping and patting which can once again ensue the blood.

I believe the blood comes out of the outer and inner sides of my anus.

I don’t think it flows past its entrance since I usually only see small amounts of blood however every now and then the blood spots can look a little bigger so I’m not 100% sure overall.

Not only is this issue physically painful for me to endure, it results in me spending a lot of time in the toilet. Wasting time I need to use to do wudu and the same for my family members.

I even try to avoid passing stool for days if I can because this is such a nuisance.

Recently I’ve been treating this issue the same way we’re taught to treat a cut that doesn’t flow past its entrance (that it doesn’t invalidate wudu). Lately, when I’ve wiped and done every cleaning method I know a few times, and I still see blood, I just leave it there and just continue with wudu and then prayer.

Now I worry of the possibility that my wudus and prayers may not be valid & I have to deal with so much waswasa on a daily basis anyway. Please help me.


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

After passing stool, wipe with toilet paper thrice, and then use water. That area will then be clean. If you dont mind the wetness after the use of water, you do not have to wipe again or pat with the toilet paper. Thus, you would not have any Waswasah on the blood.


Namaz in darkness

Namaz in darkness

17 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1009

Can we offer Salat in darkness?


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Yes, if it does not affect your concentration, you may pray in darkness.

If it causes you to lose concentration, it will be Makruh to pray in darkness.



17 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1001


I took your advice in using a kursuf to avoid oxidization of discharge. When I wake up in the morning, I notice that the discharge is dark yellow/orangey. Could this be the result of the discharge not oxidizing? Because I hadn’t seen this colour prior to using the kursuf.

And how often shall I check my kursuf daily?

Because yesterday after checking it in the morning, I felt discharge come out after and I’ve been having to check it a couple of times within a few hours which was a nuisance as I have to clean the kursuf and find new to wear.

I understand theres the opinion that yellow discharge isn’t considered menses, but there is also a hadith which says otherwise.

`Alqamah Ibn Abi `Alqamah quoted his mother, Murjaanah, the freed maid of `A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) as saying: ‘Women would send `A’ishah small boxes with yellow-stained cotton, and she would tell them, ‘Do not be in haste until you see the pure white cotton.’” (Reported by Malik, Muhammad Ibn Al-Hasan and Al-Bukhari)


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

You should take into consideration the colour of the wet blood on the Kursuf. Thus, even if you did not see the dark yellow/orangey colour before, you should still take that colour into consideration if the blood has not yet dried.

Yes, yellow discharge is considered as Haidh, if it is seen during the 10 days of Haidh. The narration you quoted refers to women who sent their cotton during the period of their menses.

The best is you check your Kursuf whenever you feel a discharge. If that is happening too often. Then check before each prayer.


وأما ركنه فهو بروز الدم من محل مخصوص حتى تثبت الأحكام به وعن محمد بالإحساس به

 وثمرته تظهر فيما لو توضأت ووضعت الكرسف ثم أحست بنزول الدم إليه قبل الغروب ثم رفعته بعده تقضي الصوم عنده خلافا لهما يعني إذا لم يحاذ حرف الفرج الداخل فإن حاذته البلة من الكرسف كان حيضا ونفاسا اتفاقا وكذا الحدث بالبول (البحر الرائق  – 1/ 200)

وكل هذه الألوان حيض في أيام الحيض إلى أن ترى البياض

 وعند أبي يوسف لا تكون الكدرة حيضا إذا رأتها في أول أيام الحيض وإذا رأتها في آخرها تكون حيضا لأنها لو كانت دم رحم لتأخرت عن الصافي

 ولهما ما روي عن مولاة عائشة قالت كان النساء يبعثن إلى عائشة بالدرجة التي فيها الكرسف فيه الصفرة من دم الحيض لتنظر إليه فتقول لا تعجلن حتى ترين القصة البيضاء تريد بذلك الطهر من الحيض

 رواه مالك في الموطأ  والقصة بفتح القاف وتشديد الصاد المهملة  وذكره البخاري تعليقا بصيغة الجزم فصح بهذا اللفظ عن عائشة  وذكر في الصحيح والسنن عن أم عطية قالت كنا لا نعد الكدرة والصفرة بعد الطهر شيئا  وهذا يدل على أنهما في أيام الحيض حيض لأنها قيدت بما بعد الطهر

 وفي التجنيس امرأة رأت بياضا خالصا على الخرقة ما دام رطبا فإذا يبس أصفر فحكمه حكم البياض لأن المعتبر حال الرؤية لا حالة التغير بعد ذلك اه  وكذا لو رأت حمرة أو صفرة فإذا يبست ابيضت يعتبر حالة الرؤية لا حالة التغير بعد ذلك اه (البحر الرائق – 1/ 202)

ومنها خروج الدم إلى الفرج الخارج ولو بسقوط الكرسف فما دام بعض الكرسف حائلا بين الدم والفرج الخارج لا يكون حيضا هكذا في المحيط طاهرة رأت على الكرسف أثر الدم يحكم بحيضها من حين الرفع والحائض إذا لم تجد عليه أثر الدم حكم بالانقطاع من حين الوضع هكذا في شرح الوقاية ولا يشترط فيه السيلان هكذا في الخلاصة ومنها أن يكون على لون من الألوان الستة السواد والحمرة والصفرة والكدرة والخضرة والتربية هكذا في النهاية وإنما يعتبر اللون على الكرسف حين يرفع وهو طري لا حين يجف هكذا في المحيط فلو رأت بياضا خالصا على الخرقة ما دام رطبا فإذا يبس اصفر فحكمه حكم البياض وكذا لو رأت حمرة أو صفرة فإذا يبست ابيضت تعتبر حالة الرؤية لا حالة التغير هكذا في التجنيس (الفتاوى الهندية – 1/ 36)

و روي أن النساء كن يبعثن بالكرسف إلى عائشة رضي الله عنها فكانت تقول : لا حتى ترين القصة البيضاء أي البياض الخالص كالجص فقد أخبرت أن ما سوى البياض حيض و الظاهر أنها إنما قالت : ذلك سماعا من رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم لأنه حكم لا يدرك بالاجتهاد (بدائع الصنائع – 1/ 152)

وهذا إذا منعته بعد نزوله إلى الفرج الخارج كما أفاده البركوي لما مر أنه لا يثبت الحيض إلا بالبروز لا بالإحساس به خلافا لمحمد فلو أحست به فوضعت الكرسف في الفرج الداخل ومنعته من الخروج فهي طاهرة كما لو حبس المني في القصبة (رد المحتار – 1/ 308)

فقد ذكر في ((الهداية)) وشرحها ((البناية)): إنه ذكر في ((المبسوط)) عن أبي منصور الماتريدي: لو اعتادت أن ترى أيام طهرها صفرة، وأيام حيضها حمرة، فحكم صفرتها حكم الطهر، وقيل: إنما اعتبر ذلك في صفرة عليها بياض، وعن أبي بكر الإسكاف: فإن كانت الصفرة عن لون البقم فهو حيض، وإلا فلا، والمنقول عن الشافعي في ((مختصر المزني)): إن الصفرة والكدرة في أيام الحيض حيض، وأما الخضرة فقال في ((البدائع)): اختلف المشائخ فيه، فقال الشيخ أبو منصور: إذا رأتها في أول الحيض كان حيضا، وإن رأتها في آخر الحيض لا يكون حيضا، وجمهور الأصحاب على كونها حيضا مطلقا، والصحيح أن المرأة إن كانت من ذوات الإقراء يكون حيضا، ويحمل على فساد الغذاء، وإن كانت كبيرة لا ترى غير الخضرة، تحمل على فساد المنبت، فلا يكون حيضا، وأما الكدرة وفي حكمها التربية فقال أبو يوسف: لا يكون حيضا إلا بعد الدم، فإن رأتها في أول أيام الحيض لا يكون حيضا إلا بعد الدم، فإن رأتها في أول أيام الحيض لا تكون حيضا، وبه قال أبو ثور وابن المنذر، وفي المقام بسط بسيط موضعه ((السعاية))، وبالجملة: كون هذه الألوان حيضا مختلف فيه بين مشائخنا وغيرهم، والأصح عندنا هو كونها حيضا إذا كانت في مدة الحيض، لما روى عن عائشة رضي أنها جعلت ما سوى البياض الخالص حيضا؛ أخرجه مالك، ومن طريقه محمد بن الحسن في ((الموطأ)). (عمدة الرعاية بتحشية شرح الوقاية – 2/ 130)

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing

15 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 994

Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Baraktuh,

I am planning to become an affiliate marketer for affiliate programs. I basically try to refer products (physical or digital) to people online and I receive a commission on it.

Some digital products that I want to promote involve videos of text and audio training. There is a little music at the beginning of them or sometimes in the background. Is it haram to promote these for commissions? The music has nothing to do with the actual product, and the music was only used by the owner of the actual product in a promotional video that they will see. Customers would not ever focus on the music and it is completely irrelevant and only in the background, and the actual product contains nothing with music.

For example, I would send somebody to a page where the owner of the product promotes their product in a video, and in that video there might be some slight music in the background, completely unrelated to the product or service being promoted – and the customer would never focus on the music or watch the video for the music. The product being promoted is a website making software which has nothing to do with nor endorses music.

Would it be permissible to send customers to this page and promote this product? It is also the customers choice whether they want to view the video or not, they can simply choose to buy the software without even watching the video, as there will also be text underneath detailing the software.

In the same case, if there was very short clips of women in the video (hair uncovered for example), which again wouldn’t be the main purpose of the video and no one would watch it for that possible, would it be permissible to promote this product? Just to clarify, the actual product would have nothing to do with the women, or music.

JazakAllah Khair


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

You mention that the customers have a choice whether to view the video or not. However, many times it happens that videos automatically stream when you open the page. Also, people will be unaware that the video has music, ladies or animated objects.

Thus, it will only be permissible if you can inform and warn the customer that there is Haram (impermissible), and he should not view the video. If that is not possible, it will not be permissible.



15 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1004

Assalam alaykum,

My name is Ajaz, I live in U.S.A.
Alhamdolillah I had boy (10 months old) and i put name “Aswad” ,
I saw online that there were 40 sahabas R.A named Aswad thats why I kept my son name Aswad.
But recently on one journey I met one mufti saheb and he said, I should not keep son name Aswad. There is no such He show (Mufti Saheb) any sahabah name Aswad. He mentioned its just color name and He advised to change name of my son.
So I am asking you What should I do.?
Should I change my son name or keep it same..?
Is there any sahabah R.A name Aswad or not..?

Please reply,
Jazakallah Khair.


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

As you have correctly mentioned, there were close to 40 Sahaba with the name Aswad. Allamah Ibn Hajar (may Allah be pleased with him) named at least 35 in his Usud al-Ghabah. Even after the Sahaba, there were many scholars of Hadith with the name Aswad. Thus, it is a good name and you do not have to change it.