Monthly Archives: September 2018



30 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1046


My relatives back home were asking for a heap amount of things from one of my aunties living in the West to buy for them.

My mum told me about this situation and how the relatives back home were asking my auntie for a lot of things, including expensive things & also products which they already own.

Of course this is a burden on my auntie, and when my mother was telling me about it she spoke in a disapproving tone because this is wrong to do.

I’m worried, however, if this is considered backbiting or not.


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

There are six instances when it is permissible to talk against another person:

1) If a person is being oppressed he may complain against the oppressor,

2) If a person hopes to change a wrong. For example, telling a father about the wrongs of his child.

3) When seeking an Islamic ruling,

4) Warning others about the wrongs of a person which will affect them,

5) If a person only openly does a wrong,

6) If a person is known by a defect. Example, if someone is deaf, and it will be permissible to describe him as such, without degrading him.

Thus, it will depend on the reason why your mom was informing you. If she was telling you due to one of the aforementioned reasons, then it will not be Ghibah (backbiting).

However, if she did not have a valid reason for telling you, then it will be backbiting. You should make Istighfaar and implore Allah to forgive you and those who were spoken about in your presence.


اعلم أن الغيبة تباح لغرض صحيح شرعي لا يمكن الوصول إليه إلا بها وهو ستة أسباب:

 الأول: التظلم فيجوز للمظلوم أن يتظلم إلى السلطان والقاضي وغيرهما ممن له ولاية أو قدرة على إنصافه من ظالمه فيقول : ظلمني فلان بكذا

 الثاني: الاستعانة على تغيير المنكر ورد العاصي إلى الصواب فيقول لمن يرجو قدرته على إزالة المنكر: فلان يعمل كذا فازجره عنه ونحو ذلك، ويكون مقصوده التوصل إلى إزالة المنكر فإن لم يقصد ذلك كان حراما.

 الثالث: الاستفتاء فيقول للمفتي : ظلمني أبي أو أخي أو زوجي أو فلان بكذا فهل له ذلك ؟ وما طريقي في الخلاص منه وتحصيل حقي ودفع الظلم ؟ ونحو ذلك فهذا جائز للحاجة؛ ولكن الأحوط والأفضل أن يقول : ما تقول في رجل أو شخص أو زوج كان من أمره كذا ؟ فإنه يحصل به الغرض من غير تعيين، ومع ذلك فالتعيين جائز كما سنذكره في حديث هند ( انظر الحديث رقم 1532 ) إن شاء الله تعالى.

 الرابع: تحذير المسلمين من الشر ونصيحتهم وذلك من وجوه منها: جرح المجروحين من الرواة والشهود وذلك جائز بإجماع المسلمين بل واجب للحاجة.

 ومنها: المشاورة في مصاهرة إنسان أو مشاركته أو إيداعه أو معاملته أو غير ذلك، أو مجاورته ويجب على المشاور أن لا يخفي حاله بل يذكر المساوئ التي فيه بنية النصيحة.

 ومنها: إذا رأى متفقها يتردد إلى مبتدع أو فاسق يأخذ عنه العلم وخاف أن يتضرر المتفقه بذلك فعليه نصيحته ببيان حاله بشرط أن يقصد النصيحة، وهذا مما يغلط فيه وقد يحمل المتكلم بذلك الحسد ويلبس الشيطان عليه ذلك ويخيل إليه أنه نصيحة فليتفطن لذلك.

 ومنها: أن يكون له ولاية لا يقوم بها على وجهها إما بأن لا يكون صالحا لها، وإما بأن يكون فاسقا أو مغفلا ونحو ذلك فيجب ذكر ذلك لمن له عليه ولاية عامة ليزيله ويولي من يصلح أو يعلم ذلك منه ليعامله بمقتضى حاله ولا يغتر به وأن يسعى في أن يحثه على الاستقامة أو يستبدل به.

 الخامس: أن يكون مجاهرا بفسقه أو بدعته كالمجاهر بشرب الخمر ومصادرة الناس، وأخذ المكس وجباية الأموال ظلما وتولي الأمور الباطلة فيجوز ذكره بما يجاهر به ويحرم ذكره بغيره من العيوب إلا أن يكون لجوازه سبب آخر مما ذكرناه.

 السادس: التعريف فإذا كان الإنسان معروفا بلقب كالأعمش والأعرج والأصم والأعمى والأحول وغيرهم جاز تعريفهم بذلك، ويحرم إطلاقه على جهة التنقص، ولو أمكن تعريفه بغير ذلك كان أولى.

 فهذه ستة أسباب ذكرها العلماء وأكثرها مجمع عليه . ودلائلها من الأحاديث الصحيحة المشهورة. انتهى (رياض الصالحين – 2 / 182)

Consulting work to Banks/Financial Institutions

Consulting work to Banks/Financial Institutions

29 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1019

Dear Mufti sab – I am a freelance consultant in the field of finance and related services, the nature of my work is such that I am registered with few recruitment agencies, from time to time these agencies send me to various clients to do certain work, the duration of the work is normally 3-6 months sometimes it does get extended as well to few more months but never for over a year. For this work I get paid by the recruitment agencies based on the rates which I agreed with them at the time of starting a contract. The recruitment agencies are in turn being paid by the clients to which I render my services.
From time to time these recruitment agencies ask me to do work at various banks and financial institutions, normally that work does not involve directly in booking of the interest or interest calculations, the nature of the work offered to me has been:
– checking compliance with the local regulations or with accounting standards,
– checking if the controls are designed and operating properly in various divisions e.g. investment division, HR division, treasury division etc.
– helping with the financial statements compilation
– impact assessment on the organisation of the Brexit etc.
My question is:
a) since the nature of my work is not permanent
b) I am employed effectively by the recruitment agency as they pay me into my bank account and I sign contract with them
c) the work in question does not involve directly dealing with the interest transactions i.e. booking, validating or facilitating of the interest, or even at time if it is it a small proportion of the total work/task
based on the above am I allowed to work on such short term contracts?

Jazak Allah ho khair!


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Since the work which you do for the banks does not have anything to do with their interest dealings or Haraam transactions, your income will be permissible. It is permissible for you to work on such contracts.



بینک کی ملازمت کا تفصیلی حکم

    در  اصل بینک کی ملازمت نا جائز ہونےکی دو وجہیں ہو سکتی ہیں،ایک وجہ یہ ہے کہ یہ ہے کہ ملازمت میں سود وغیرہ کے نا جائز معاملات میں اعانت ہے،دوسرے یہ کہ تنخاہ حرام مال سے ملنے کا احتمال ہےان میں سے پہلی وجہیں یعنی حرام کاموں میں مدد  کا جہاں  تک تعلق ہے،شریعت میں مدد کے مختلف درجے ہیں،ہر درجہ حرام نہیں،بلکہ صرف وہ مدد ناجائز ہےجو براہ راست  حرام کام میں ہوں،مثلا سودی معاملہ کرنا،سود کا معاملہ لکھنا،سود کی رقم وصول کرنا وغیرہ-لیکن اگر براہ راست سودی معاملہ میں انسان کو ملوث نہ ہونا  پڑے، بلکہ اس کام کی نوعیت ایسی ہو جیسے  ڈرائیور،چپراسی،یا جائز ریسرچ وغیرہ تو اس میں چونکہ براہ راست مدد نہیں ہے،اس لئے اس کی گنجا ئش ہے-

جہاں تک حرام  مال سے تنخاہ ملنے کا تعلق ہے، اس کے بارے مین شریعت کا اصول ہے کہ اگرایک مال جلال وھرام سے مخلوط ہو اور حرام مال زیادہ ہو تو اس سے تنخواہ یا ہدیہ لینا ناجائز  نہیں، لیکن اگر حرام مال کم ہو تو جائز ہے-بینک کا  صورت حال  یہ ہے کہ اس کا مجموعی مال کئی چیزوں سے مرکب ہوتا ہے،1-اصل سرمایہ2-ڈپازیٹرز کے پیسے3-سود اور حرام کاموں کی آمدنی،4-جائز خدمات کی آمدنی،اس سارے مجموعے میں صرف نمبر3 حرام ہے،باقی کو حرام نہیں کہا جا سکتا، اور چونکہ ہر بینک میں نمبر 1 اور نمبر دو کی کثرت ہوتی ہے،اس لئے یہ نہیں کہہ سکتے کہ مجموعہ غالب ہے،لہذاکسی جائز کام کی تنخاہاس سے وصول کی جاسکتی ہے-

یہ بنیاد ہےجس کی بناٰء پرعلماء نے یہ فتوی دیا ہے کہ بینک کی ایسی ملازمت جس میں خود کوئی حرام کام کرنا نہ پڑتا ہو، جائز ہے، البتہ احتیاط اس سے بھی اجتناب کیا جائے-

فتاوی عثمانی(3/396) مکتبہ دار العلوم کراچی

ہاں بینک میں وہ شعبے جو سود سے متعلق نہیں ہے مثلا بینک میں چپراسي باورچي درائيونگ جاروب کشي وغیرہ کي ملازمت جائز اور درسست ہے اور تنخوااہ بھي حلال ہے

فتاوی دار العلوم زکریا (673/5) 

Given right to woman

Given right to woman

29 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1040

Assalamu alaikum
I have a severe question about marriage and seeking enlightenment. My husband and i are very distraught. At the time of our marriage he destinctively gave me a right to divorce. We don’t live in same country yet as a result of lack of resources, but visit each other frequently. Not long ago we had an argument where he completely lost his senses, people that saw him said it was like he wasn’t there, completely out of his mind. Along this argument, he divorced me 3 times at once (to his memory, i only remember one). He has needed medication to come to his senses before, administered in a hospital.
Later on, when he came to himself, he was sorry and took me back, saying he will never say anything to harm our marriage again.
My question is, is our marriage still valid or not? Thank you for your answer.


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahamatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Even though your husband gave you the right to divorce, he will still maintain the authority to issue a divorce.

As for the divorces issued when he lost his mind, your husband will have to state under oath whether he had control over himself or not, and whether he can remember that he issued the divorces. If he did have control and he can remember issuing the divorces, then all three divorces will be valid and binding. Your Iddah has commenced from the time he uttered those words.

However, if he did not have control over what himself and he cannot remember what he said, then no divorce will fall.

Your husband should fear Allah, and know that even if speaks a lie, Allah knows the truth. Thus, he should be honest.


طلاق الصبي غير واقع، وكذلك طلاق المجنون والمعتوه، وقيل في الحد الفاصل بين المعتوه والمجنون والعاقل أن العاقل من يستقيم كلامه وأفعاله فيكون هذا غالباً، وذلك غالباً فيكون سواء، قيل أيضاً: المجنون من يفعل هذه الأفعال لا عن قصد والعاقل يفعل ما يفعله المجانين في الأحايين لكن لا عن قصد يعني يفعل على ظن الصلاح، والمعتوه من يفعل ما يفعله المجانين في الأحايين لكن عن قصد يعني يقصد فعله مع ظهور وجه الفساد (المحيط البرهاني – 3/ 411)

قوله ( لا طلاق الصبي والمجنون ) تصريح بما فهم سابقا للحديث كل طلاق جائز إلا طلاق الصبي والمجنون  والمراد بالجواز النفاذ كذا في فتح القدير  (البحر الرائق – 3/ 268)

ولا يقع طلاق الصبي وإن كان يعقل والمجنون والنائم والمبرسم والمغمى عليه والمدهوش هكذا في فتح القدير وكذلك المعتوه لا يقع طلاقه أيضا وهذا إذا كان في حالة العته أما في حالة الإفاقة فالصحيح أنه واقع هكذا في الجوهرة النيرة  (الفتاوى الهندية – 1/ 353)

 والذي يظهر لي أن كلا من المدهوش والغضبان لا يلزم فيه أن يكون بحيث لا يعلم ما يقول بل يكتفى فيه بغلبة الهذيان واختلاط الجد بالهزل كما هو المفتى به في السكران على ما مر ولا ينافيه تعريف الدهش بذهاب العقل فإن الجنون فنون ولذا فسره في البحر باختلال العقل وأدخل فيه العته والبرسام والإغماء والدهش ويؤيد ما قلنا بعضهم العاقل من يستقيم كلامه وأفعاله إلا نادرا والمجنون ضده

 وأيضا فإن بعض المجانين يعرف ما يقول ويريده ويذكر ما يشهد الجاهل به بأن عاقل ثم يظهر منه في مجلسه ما ينافيه فإذا كان المجنون حقيقة قد يعرف ما يقول ويقصده فغيره بالأولى فالذي ينبغي التعويل عليه في المدهوش ونحوه إناطة الحكم بغلبة الخلل في أقواله وأفعاله الخارجة عن عادته وكذا يقال فيمن اختل عقله لكبر أو لمرض أو لمصيبة فاجأته فما دام في حال غلبة الخلل في الأقوال والأفعال لا تعتبر أقواله وإن كان يعلمها ويريدها لأن هذه المعرفة والإرادة غير معتبرة لعدم حصولها عن إدراك صحيح كما لا تعتبر من الصبي العاقل (رد المحتار – 3/ 244)

Unsure whether to do ghusl due to state

Unsure whether to do ghusl due to state

28 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 998

Salaam. Whenever I have a wet dream in the morning and it’s before fajr I find it difficult to perform ghusl as my skin is sensitive at these hours as I have prone skin. I can perform wudhu but performing a ghusl so early will affect the equilibrium of my skin oils and make me feel itchy and give me rashes. So what should I do?


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

In this case, if the rash will be severe and unbearable, then you can suffice by making Tayammum.


(أو كان يجد الماء إلا أنه مريض) يضره استعمال الماء (فخاف) بغلبة الظن أو قول حاذق مسلم (إن استعمل الماء اشتد) أو امتد…(فإنه يتيمم)  (اللباب في شرح الكتاب –  1  /  61)

(تيمم لو) كان (أكثره) (قوله أي أكثر أعضاء الوضوء إلخ) الأولى أن يقول أي أكثر أعضائه في الوضوء إلخ؛ لأن الضمير في أكثره عائد على الرجل المتيمم مع تقدير مضاف وهو الأعضاء الصادقة على أعضاء الوضوء وغيرها تأمل.

هذا، وقد اختلفوا في حد الكثرة؛ فمنهم من اعتبرها في نفس العضو، حتى لو كان أكثر كل عضو من الأعضاء الواجب غسلها جريحا تيمم وإن كان صحيحا يغسل. وقيل في عدد الأعضاء حتى لو كان رأسه ووجهه ويداه مجروحة دون رجليه مثلا تيمم، وفي العكس لا. اهـ درر البحار. قال في البحر: وفي الحقائق المختار الثاني، ولا يخفى أن الخلاف في الوضوء؛ أما في الغسل فالظاهر اعتبار أكثر البدن مساحة. اهـ. وما استظهره أقره عليه أخوه في النهر ونقله نوح أفندي عن العلامة قاسم فلذا جزم به الشارح (قوله جدري) بضم الجيم وفتحها مع فتح الدال شرح المنية (قوله اعتبارا للأكثر) علة لقوله تيمم ط (قوله وبعكسه) وهو ما لو كان أكثر الأعضاء صحيحا يغسل إلخ، لكن إذا كان يمكنه غسل الصحيح بدون إصابة الجريح وإلا تيمم حلية، فلو كانت الجراحة بظهره مثلا وإذا صب الماء سال عليها يكون ما فوقها في حكمها فيضم إليها كما بحثه الشرنبلالي في الإمداد وقال لم أره، وما ذكرناه صريح فيه (قوله ويمسح الجريح) أي إن لم يضره وإلا عصبها بخرقة ومسح فوقها خانية وغيرها ومفاد كما قال ط أنه يلزمه شد الخرقة إن لم تكن موضوعة (قوله وكذا إلخ) فصله بكذا، إشارة إلى أنه هو الذي فيه الاختلاف الآتي (قوله ولا رواية في الغسل) أي لا رواية في صورة المساواة عن أئمتنا الثلاثة، وإنما فيها اختلاف المشايخ؛ فقيل تيمم كما لو كان الأكثر جريحا؛ لأن غسل البعض طهارة ناقصة والتيمم طهارة كاملة، وقيل يغسل الصحيح ويمسح الجريح كعكس الأولى؛ لأن الغسل طهارة حقيقية بخلاف التيمم. واختلف الترجيح والتصحيح كما في الحلية، ورجح في البحر تصحيح الثاني بأنه أحوط وتبعه في المتن  (حاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار – 1/ 257)

Stress of committing a sin and breaking many promises

Stress of committing a sin and breaking many promises

27 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1021

Assalamoaliukum, I am a boy of 19 years and I have, in vigour, made 3 billion promises to Allah by saying,” I promise ya Allah, I will not do a specific sin again.” Now, I keep feeling very stressed whenever this promise comes to my mind (which is almost always) as I really fear I will do that sin again (as I already have made and broken many promises for this specific sin) and I fear I will go hell for committing this massive bad deed. I also prayed to Allah after the 3 billion promises to make them real (as I knew only 1 promise is made on a specific sin) so their effect is real and I give up that sin. In the past I have also broken many promises I’ve made to Allah like this as I make promises about my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) temptations and sometimes I give in to those (but I always repent after breaking a promise to not break a promise or make a promise again). Do I have to give Kaffara for all those promises? Keep in mind, I am a 19 year old boy with over-protective and controlling parents and I dont think they will let me give food or clothes to poor people (also, I have only about $300 with me) or let me fast (but is there an option of fasting for me as they might let me fast after my exams). Also, I have my very important exams in the next month which I already have failed once. I think I am already getting slowed because of the stress of the 3 billion promises (combined with my OCD) and I fear that they might futher hinder my studying progress for my exams. Please, tell me if my promises are real and how to get over their stress and how to get over the fear of committing the sin. Also, please answer my previous question about the kaffara of my promises.


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

We are responsible for everything that we utter, and we have to bear the consequences of our actions. Therefore, we need to be careful on what we say, and should think carefully before we can utter anything.

The Kaffarah is clearly mentioned in the Quran, in verse 89 of Surah Maaidah. Since you presently do not have the financial means to pay as Kaffarah, and you do have the option of fasting, you should fast three days for every promise broken. Keep as many fasts as you can, and insha Allah, Allah will forgive you.

In future, always be careful on what you say, and try to stay away from those sins which you already promised not to do.



 ‏{‏لَا يُؤَاخِذُكُمُ اللَّهُ بِاللَّغْوِ فِي أَيْمَانِكُمْ وَلَكِنْ يُؤَاخِذُكُمْ بِمَا عَقَّدْتُمُ الْأَيْمَانَ فَكَفَّارَتُهُ إِطْعَامُ عَشَرَةِ مَسَاكِينَ مِنْ أَوْسَطِ مَا تُطْعِمُونَ أَهْلِيكُمْ أَوْ كِسْوَتُهُمْ أَوْ تَحْرِيرُ رَقَبَةٍ فَمَنْ لَمْ يَجِدْ فَصِيَامُ ثَلَاثَةِ أَيَّامٍ ذَلِكَ كَفَّارَةُ أَيْمَانِكُمْ إِذَا حَلَفْتُمْ وَاحْفَظُوا أَيْمَانَكُمْ كَذَلِكَ يُبَيِّنُ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ آيَاتِهِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُونَ‏}‏‏.  (سورة المائدة ، 89)

تَأْخِيرُ كَفَّارَةِ الْيَمِينِ:  – ذَهَبَ جُمْهُورُ الْعُلَمَاءِ إِلَى أَنَّهُ لاَ يَجُوزُ تَأْخِيرُ كَفَّارَةِ الْيَمِينِ، وَأَنَّهَا تَجِبُ بِالْحِنْثِ عَلَى الْفَوْرِ  (الموسوعة الفقهية الكويتية، ١٠ / ١٣)

Flea defecation

Flea defecation

27 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1024

I have a cat and usually wherever she sleeps, there are remnants of (what I believe to be through research) flea stool left behind. They’re small and there is quite a lot them.

She tends to sleep a lot of places upstairs on all of our family’s beds, on the ground so it will be difficult to avoid.

Can this stool be overlooked and can I put my bed covers in the washing machine?


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

The stool of fleas is pure. You do not have to worry about any of the remnants, and you may place the bed covers on which the cat slept in the washing machine.


Divorce issue while being pregnant

Divorce issue while being pregnant

27 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1045

Assalamo Alaikum
I need a help regarding my divorce issue. I’m badly stuck and have very short time to fix this issue since my in laws are badly forcing my husband to file a divorce in court asap. So i really need a fatwa asap so that if there’s something left in out marriage then i can save it. My husband is very nice but for no reason my in laws are so against me and they were forcing my husband to leave me else they’ll leave them so he was so pressurize like so much that he was actually seeing psychiatrist and getting help from counselors in all this time.. Please please reply me fast i really need a fatwa soon.

I have three questions

Me and husband had an argument in which my husband issued 2 divorces at once. He used “ i divorce you” these sentence, so my question is issuing all these divorces at once counts as one or full irrevocable divorce because i heard if a man issues 1,2, or 3 divorces at once it only counts as one as it mentioned?

My second question is,
I am sure i heard in hanafi’s or even in all the other views its same that if a man issues divorce in extreme anger then it doesn’t count at all? In extreme anger, my husband who never yells shout or gets mad on anything. In an argument he was so extremely out of control that he was trying to get out of the house but i was super upset so i forced him literally i hold his hand and pull him inside the house and he got so mad. He started yelling and shouting.. then he was trying to avoid me but i was kept on asking him questions so he got so mad he got so out of control and he started saying things which he never said in his life and in that anger he said i divorce you and literally to make him quite i put my whole hand in his mouth to make him shut. And after that he was so blank like nothing happened and he was so out that he had no idea what he just said or did. He had no intention of saying a divorce word. He was soo extremely mad. It was a level of insanity. He he had no idea what he was saying or doing. So in that saying a divorce one or two times does it count at all?

3. my third question is, is a husband issues 2 divorces at once and then the wife goes to her parents house and they don’t make up (no rujo or no intercourse) at all, in that iddat period can he issue another divorce or not until they make up?


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

The best is to get the ‘Ulama (scholars) of your area or elders of your family/community to sit with your in laws and discuss with them the reasons why they are pressurizing their son to divorce you. Perhaps they have some concerns; or, seeing that two divorces have already been issued, they can get to the root of the problem.  If there is no shortcoming or minor issues on your path, those ‘Ulama can advise your in laws accordingly.

As for your direct queries:

1) If a husband issues one or two divorces with the words that you have quoted, then two revocable divorces will take place. This means that during your ‘Iddah period, your husband may take you back without any need for a new Nikah. After the ‘Iddah, you will have to make Nikah again.

2) The ruling on divorce in anger will depend on the intensity of the anger.
If your husband was so angry that he really had no control over his senses at the time of uttering those statements, then the divorces issued in that state will not be effective. Here your husband will have to be truthful between himself and Allah. He should realise that Allah knows everything, and if he knew what he was saying and had control over his statements, then living with you will be prohibited and tantamount to Zina (fornication).

3) Divorces during ‘Iddah and after the ‘Iddah are valid and binding. On another note, in a case of revocable divorces, the wife ought to make ‘Iddah at her husbands home. Nevertheless, whether she goes to her parents home  or stays at the husbands home, if the husband issues any divorce, that divorce will take place.

Faith and believe on islam

Faith and believe on islam

26 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1020

Islamic question : one of my friend name I m not mentioning due to his request
He is very upset and depressed due to weak faith and believe.
He tells his faith towards all Islamic pillers and akhirah are weak in past he fine but since more than 2 Year suddenly his imaan going weak even he started 5 times pray , tasbihat etc but not getting faith back he has a fear of die he always think about death and thereafter what happens even he is now almost psycho and fully depressed he said he cannot explain what thoughts comes in his mind he not comfortable to say but he said believe on everything are going weak even sometimes like worse Believe on Allah , prophet ,about paradise and hell ,grave life all his believe very doubtful (naauzubillah) due to this he cries many times he try to involve in religious activities but he faced more problems when he listens something about his doubts.
He has major fear of die simple
& die without imaan
He always think I m on right track or not if I am wrong and died on wrong religion (Naauzubillah) than what happens even as Muslims .
He also mentioned one thing, in past he not offered prayers and his imaan were well protected but when he started prayer than starts gradually these issues :
I have no answer for this how respond him .kindly explain shariah rullings on the above mentioned matter in respect of each as I explained and what does he has to do ? may Allah give you jaza ameen


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Your friend is fortunate that he has Iman. He should not worry about those thoughts which makes him doubtful. The prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) explained that such thoughts clearly indicate that a person has Iman. As long as your friend does not utter or verbally say anything, his Iman is secure, irrespective of what thoughts go through his mind.

Just like how thieves will only attack a person who has wealth, in the same way, the devil will only interfere with a person who has the great wealth of Iman. When your friend was not religious, the devil did not bother about him, and hence he did not get any doubts. However, now that his Iman is so strong, the devil is constantly trying to make him give up. He should ignore these thoughts and continue with the good he is doing.

As for fearing what will happen after death, this is actually something good, and we all should constantly have this fear.

Many great Sahaba also feared that their Iman is not to standard. Hanzalah (may Allah be pleased with him) and many others feared that they are hypocrites. Thus, your friend should ignore these whispers of the devil and continue to strive for the hereafter.

Advise your friend to increase in the rememberance of Allah, for this will bring solace to him. Also speak with him on the great love which Allah has for us, and rather then looking for reason to punish; Allah is continuously looking for excuses to forgive us.

Halal Mortgages in Canada

Halal Mortgages in Canada

24 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1023

Assalaamu Alaikum,

I just wanted to know what your opinion is with regards to the Halal mortgage products provided by Aya Financial and Zero Mortgage in Canada. Whether or not, they really are Halal and Shariah compliant?

If your findings suggest that they are not Halal, do you have any other suggestions for Halal options of purchasing a house in Canada (other than doing it through cash, or borrowing money from friends and family)?

JazakAllah Khairan for your time and effort, and sorry for the inconveniences.


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Our honourable Ustadh, Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Desai Sahib, has studied the contracts of Zero Finance, and raised concerns with the Shariah board. Thus, they are not fully compliant.

As for Aya Financial, please do send the contracts either to us, or either to the Darul Iftaa directly via the Askimam website.

Unfortunately, besides taking a private loan from friends or family, we do not know of any other option to finance a house.

Iddah of a woman divorced in her period

Iddah of a woman divorced in her period

24 Sep 2018 Ref-No#: 1038

A husband divorces her wife 3 times at oncce. It is said that 3 mensturations are iddah perid. My question is that she was in her mensturation period when divorced.
1. Will that period be counted as 1st period or not.and follwing 2 periods will complete her iddah period in which case she will be observing iddah for only 2 months?
2. What if just one day after divorce her menses started. Say she was divorced on 1st september. Her menses started 2nd september. Then she had periods on 2nd october and then on 2nd november.
Will her iddah be completed by 2nd november


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

It is not permissible for a husband to divorce his wife during her periods. If he does so, he will be sinful. However, the divorces issued during the menses will be valid and binding.

The period in which the divorces are issued will not be considered. Her Iddah will be the three periods thereafter.  In this case, her Iddah will be prolonged, and it is for that reason that the husband will be sinful.

If she is divorced a day before her period, the period which commences the next day will be considered as the first period of the Iddah.