Category : Earnings and employments

  • Affiliate Marketing

    07 Jan 2022 Ref-No#: 1006

    Assalam o Alaikum. I wanted to ask whether setting up an affiliate marketing business is halal or not. I especially wanted to know with respect to promoting online programs. There’s a particular website ( that has an affiliate program where you can promote its programs (which...

  • Pricing Product

    23 Oct 2021 Ref-No#: 3859

    I offer free shipping in my website and social media, however in the price I will add shipping price. For example I am selling a t shirt for £10 which will include £3 delivery within the price. Not sure if this is allowed. I want to do this because people from a psychological aspect would most ...

  • Is My Income Out of Job is Halal

    19 Sep 2021 Ref-No#: 3564

    Assalamu Alaikum Repected Mufthi Sahib, I’m working as an IT developer in a MNC in India, recently I’ve got an excellent Job offer from a company which I’m considering seriously, but I’ve queries regarding the status of the income (halal/haram) out of the new job.<b...

  • Buying and Selling

    16 Sep 2021 Ref-No#: 3547

    Assalamualikum muftisaheb I have a question pertaining to buying and selling, please: 1) I recently purchased some oral medication from a company. Per my understanding, the container should have included 60 capsules and each day i am required to consume two. I did not bother to coun...

  • Is my business haram?

    25 Aug 2021 Ref-No#: 3361

    My business is about “sneakerbotting”. There is a big and hyped market of sneakers, that are very sought after, but due to the supply of those specific shoes, being very low, there is a high demand, hence why it is profitable to buy and sell those shoes. But due to “sneakerbotti...

  • Optimum % of profits to give to charity

    22 Aug 2021 Ref-No#: 3267

    I own a business in the UK and wish to donate a portion/percentage of my profits to charity. With this in mind is there any guidance in the Quran and Sunnah as to what would be considered an optimum amount? I came across the hadith below and was wondering whether we could derive the follow...

  • Timeshare accommodation sales

    20 Aug 2021 Ref-No#: 3339

    A person sells accommodation. Assalaamu Alaykum w.w. Can you please give me the ruling on the following. If someone bought accommodation as in timeshare etc and wants to cancel, can a 50% cancelation fee be charged? If yes, if we are able to resell the accommodation, can ...

  • College

    13 Jun 2021 Ref-No#: 2615

    Asalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkatahu I am a medical student I have got Mark’s enough to get medical seat but at the time of admission I have not brought 1 document so told lie that I have got permission from principle that was last date of admission otherwise my admission would get c...

  • Rental Earning from restaurant sharing floor with cinema

    21 Jan 2020 Ref-No#: 2364

    Hello, I have an opportunity to buy a small restaurant on food court floor of a mall, under construction ( there are few other resturants as well). However on the same floor, there is also a Gym, kids play area and a cinema. The food court can serve any visitor to the mall. I am expecting that be...

  • Concern About ‘Halal Income’

    21 Jan 2020 Ref-No#: 2371

    Assalamu alaikum, brother. I have some concerns about ‘halal’ income. I have websites where I do affiliate marketing. I earn a small commission when people buy through my link. I get free visitors mostly from Google. Google ranks websites using different factors. ...