Monthly Archives: November 2020

Business (rent )

Business (rent )

24 Nov 2020 Ref-No#: 2510

Assalamu alaikum

Which type of business is halal.

1. if i give money to someone to buy a car. and so he bought a car. so he is now owner of that new car. and every day he earn money for example ( lets say , he earn 2000 so he give me 300 everyday when he go for work ) is this kind of business will be haram?

2. what if i tell him give me 10% of your income will this will be halal?

3. should i buy that car. so i will become the owner of the car.. then rent that car to him, so he will drive that car and earn money. and he will give me 300 daily. is it haram?

4. he should give me 10% is it halal? because i own that car. ?

which one will be halal.. Thank you in Advance.


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahamtullahi wa barakatuhu,

Since you are retaining ownership of the car and intend getting an income, the first scenario will not be an option. At most, you can buy the car, take possession, then sell it to him, and allow him to pay you in installments. However, once the car is fully paid, he becomes the owner of the car, and you then can no more charge him anything further.

The second and fourth  scenarios are ideal, since they are based on a Mudharabah concept. The earnings will Halal.

The third scenario could be  an option, depending exactly on how you make the agreement.





18 Nov 2020 Ref-No#: 2507

I just got this text from my husband: “It is obvious that things are not gonna work between us.”

Then after some other messages, he texts: “You are divorces” (Note HIS spelling of the last word. He claims he meant to put a D, not to make it plural)

What is the ruling of our marriage, and where do I stand? Is a Talaaq over text valid? If it is, what happens about his typo?


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Divorce sent via text is valid. Since he typed the plural by mistake, and he only intended one divorce, only one Talaaq Raj’i will take place.

Your ‘Iddah has commenced since the time he wrote that message.

If he did not give any other divorces previously, you may get back together during the ‘Iddah, without the need for a new Nikah.



فصل وأما النوع الثاني فهو أن يكتب على قرطاس أو لوح أو أرض أو حائط كتابة مستبينة لكن لا على وجه المخاطبة امرأته طالق فيسأل عن نيته فإن قال نويت به الطلاق وقع وإن قال لم أنو به الطلاق صدق في القضاء لأن الكتابة على هذا الوجه بمنزلة الكتابة لأن الإنسان قد يكتب على هذا الوجه ويريد به الطلاق وقد يكتب لتجويد الخط فلا يحمل على الطلاق إلا بالنية وإن كتب ( ( ( كتبت ) ) ) كتابة غير مستبينة بأن كتب على الماء أو على الهواء فذلك ليس بشيء حتى لا يقع به الطلاق وإن نوى لأن ما لا تستبين به الحروف لا يسمى كتابة فكان ملحقا بالعدم وإن كتب كتابة مرسومة على طريق الخطاب والرسالة مثل أن يكتب أما بعد يا فلانة فأنت طالق أو إذا وصل كتابي إليك فأنت طالق يقع به الطلاق (بدائع الصنائع – 3/ 109)

Eating at a Restaurant

Eating at a Restaurant

18 Nov 2020 Ref-No#: 2501

Salam alaykum,

In Belgium it is difficult to find Halal place to eat. My family and friends sometimes take me out to Restaurant, but they sell Haraam. I eat the fish and chips. But now someone inform me that it is not permissible to even eat the fish and the chips. Please let me know if I can eat, otherwise, it will upset my family and friends.

Mas Salamah


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Since there is a great possibility that the utensils used to cook the Haram has not been adequately washed before preparing the fish and chips, it will not be permissible to each at these Haram places. In fact, it is very probably that the fish and chips are even cooked in the same oil in which the Haram has been prepared.

Since your family and friends are aware that you are a Muslim, you should explain to them how important it is for you to consume only Halal and wholesome food. Insha Allah, they will respect your view, and excuse you from partaking.

We should realize that our life in this world is a test. At times, we have the option of displeasing Allah, at the expense of trying to keep other happy. However, as a devout and loyal Muslim, we still prefer the pleasure of Allah, even if it means upsetting those who are close to us.

We pray that Allah make it easy for you, and make you a means of guiding your friends and family.


ما لا يؤكل من اطعمة الكفار
ولا يألكون من اطعمة الكفار ثلاثة اشياء اللحم والشحم والمرق ولا يطبخون في قدروهم حتى يغسلوها (النتف في الفتاوى – 2/ 707)



10 Nov 2020 Ref-No#: 2489

Salaam Alaikum.

I am a 42 year old married woman that gets discharge a lot and for me to not get it on my underwear I insert my finger to get it out. Not in a sexual way. Not in an arousal way as I have a healthy intimacy with my husband BUT only so I don’t get my underwear dirty. Is this allowed? I know it will invalidate wudu but am I allowed to do this?

JazakAllah Khair


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

You should not insert your fingers in your private area, even if it is to clean impurity. Rather, you should insert cotton wool, or, even better, let the impurity come out naturally and wear a pad to protect your clothes from getting soiled.


ولا يلزم تطهير الباطن فلا تدخل اصبعها في قبلها (الفتاوى البزازية – 1/ 5)

ولا تدخل المرأة أصبعها في قبلها للاستنجاء كما في الخانية (البحر الرائق – 1/ 253)

والمرأة تصعد بنصرها وأوسط أصابعها معا ابتداء خشية حصول اللذة (نور الايضاح ونجاة الارواح ص: 15)

Talaq-e-Ba’in & reconciliation

Talaq-e-Ba’in & reconciliation

10 Nov 2020 Ref-No#: 2488

My husband gave me talaq-e-ba’in and told me it is one divorce. I started my iddah but during that time he came back and we were intimate. He still lives separately but he meets me and speaks to me regularly. I dont understand much about the rules and laws against talaq and getting back together. All I’ve been told by him is that the doors are open for him.
Just wondering if you could help me on the laws and what’s allowed and what isnt.


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

Kindly send the exact words that he uttered, so that we can confirm whether it was indeed Talaaq e Baain, or if it was Talaaq Raj’i.

If it was Talaaq e Baain, you would need to make Nikah again, before you can get back together. If it was Talaaq e Raj’i, you may reconcile without any need for Nikah.

Opposite result of dua

Opposite result of dua

10 Nov 2020 Ref-No#: 2480

Assalamu walaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
I am 33 years old who reverted to islam 3 years ago and from one year i tried to fulfill all the duty Allah swt have given me to do for islam.
But after i reverted i am kinda having bad luck more than before. And now i am facing a huge trouble that my dua results opposite of my intention.
Why my dua results opposite! For example, If i ask let my business run more well then it results more bad business, and if i do dua for bad business then it results good business. Should i make dua opposite of my intention, is it permissible? Did rasulullah saw taught such type incident on any hadith? And if it is test then how do i perform such situation? Please help dear imam.


Wa’alaykum as Salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,

We congratulate you on your decision of becoming a Muslim. May Allah accept from you, and bless you.

It is firstly essential to understand what is the meaning of ‘acceptance of a Dua’. It is not necessary that we get EXACTLY what we asked for. At times, with our limited knowledge, we might assume something is good for us. However, in his infinite knowledge, Allah knows that if we get what we asked for, it could be detrimental for us. For example, a person might think that wealth will be good for him. However, if Allah does bless him with wealth, it could probably lead him to the disobedience of Allah. Or, it could cause some of your  close family and bosom friends to become jealous. Hence, Allah, through his mercy, does not give you the wealth. Rather, he blesses you in other ways.

In a narration of Musnad Ahmad it comes:

عن أبي سعيد أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال ما من مسلم يدعو بدعوة ليس فيها إثم ولا قطيعة رحم إلا أعطاه الله بها إحدى ثلاث إما أن تعجل له دعوته وإما أن يدخرها له في الآخرة وإما أن يصرف عنه من السوء مثلها قالوا إذا نكثر قال الله أكثر (أخرجه أحمد في مسنده – 17/ 213)

“Any Muslim who implores Allah with a request in which there is no sin or severing of ties, Allah will definitely respond to him in one of three ways: either he will get exactly what he asked for, or he will be rewarded in the hereafter, or Allah will avert some calamity from him.” The companions said: “In that case, we will ask much more.” The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) replied: “Allah has much more” (Musnad Ahmad)

We should also introspect and see if we are doing anything which blocks our prayers from being accepted. The prayers of a person who consumed Haram are not accepted. Likewise, sins bars a prayers from being accepted.   

Lastly, let us never forget that for a Muslim, this world is a place of difficulty. Our goal is the hereafter, and that is where we will get eternal bliss, ease and happiness. In this world, Allah will test us in various ways. Allah says in the Quran:

وَلَنَبْلُوَنَّكُم بِشَيْءٍ مِّنَ الْخَوْفِ وَالْجُوعِ وَنَقْصٍ مِّنَ الْأَمْوَالِ وَالْأَنفُسِ وَالثَّمَرَاتِ وَبَشِّرِ الصَّابِرِين

“We will certainly test you with a test of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and lives and fruits (earnings), but give glad tidings who patiently endure “

We advise you to exercise patience and be pleased with the decision of Allah. Insha Allah, Allah will bless you with more than you could have ever imagined.